lunes, 13 de agosto de 2018

Apuntes - UNED Sistemas Tiempo Real

Adjunto los apuntes que he montado este año para la asignatura de STR. Son un poco heterogéneos porque he usado los apuntes del ED y las versiones del libro 3ª (en Castellano) y 4ª (en Ingles)

Apuntes STR


viernes, 10 de agosto de 2018

Anonymous ...... rookie level

I can´t help it

Happy weekend


jueves, 9 de agosto de 2018

Putty, Windows 10 and a serial connection

I've had some troubles for setting a serial connection with a 2 port serial card to a router Fortinet.

It was the first time I used this card since my old computer has a serial port on the mother board.

The point is that using putty with Windows 7 I have never had to configure anything and the connection always worked properly so I got surprised when it didn't work on Windows 10.

The point is the terminal gets crazy during the boot of the router when the system asked anything

or you should  write any command.

It was a surprised since it has always worked properly with Windows 7

The point is after some troubleshooting the problem was the Flow Control property, I had to set it on 'none' instead of 'XON/XOFF'

I think it was quite obvious but I didn't think about it at the begging since I never did nothing with Windows 7.
