viernes, 5 de enero de 2018

Checking INTEL-SA-00086 on remote computers

Perhaps a bit late but here you are a windows scripts for checking INTEL-SA-00086 vulnerability on multiple remote computers,

First of all we have to download the Intel Detection tool and set the following  folder hierarchy wherever we want on our file system.

When we  unzip the Intel tool we'll see they are three folder but  we'd only need  the folder DiscoveryTool, on this folder we have the CLI tool we'll use on the script.

The script is quite simple, we add a tmp directory on the remote computer which we copy the files we need for running the Intel tool using psexec and finally we delete the tmp directory.

In addition to this we have two log file, one of them is quite simple 'Log. txt' (just the computer name and the exit code) and a second one  'DetailDATETIME.log' with a full detail just in case we need to do some troubleshooting

The meaning of the different exit code is the following,

And finally here you are the script.
PS: In order not to have troubles it's advised to run from a cmd with enough privilegies, usually a domain admin.



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